Greg Boser (aka WebGuerrilla) doesn’t post often on his blog but when he does, boy does he have something to say. This latest post which refutes the half truths being spread first by’s president, David Pasternack and followed by executive chairman, Kevin Lee, is no exception.

Both David and Kevin’s articles attempt to paint a picture that SEO is a dying art while the future is all PPC. Greg exposes their hypocrisy in a most excellent post. I’ll provide a few excerpts below but definitely take some time to read it in its entirety.

Exposing Their Hypocrisy

What David and Kevin have neglected to tell everyone is the fact that long before they became the kings of PPC, they specialized in organic SEO. They even sold books containing “SEO Jedi Knight Secrets.” . In the late 90’s you couldn’t surf through Infoseek or Alta Vista for more than a few minutes without tripping over Did-it doorway pages. If they are now going to bash an industry segment that they were once a part of, I think they should at least fess up to the fact that they actually pioneered many of techniques used by the “edgy” SEO firms David mentioned in his original article.

They Are Harming Their Own Clients

If organic SEO is really as easy as David says, then he should make it his mission to pass that simple bit of information on to all of his clients. Hell, if he can help them gain the organic listings they dream of, while at the same time help them break free of their over-priced SEO shackles, he’d be a frickin’ hero. (And he’d also free up more money for ppc).

Involvement With SEMPO and a Self-Serving Agenda

It’s exactly this kind of crap that keeps me from ever joining any type of industry organization. The fact that the Chairman of the organization continually bad mouths a segment of the SEM industry that makes up a large chunk of the membership is a perfect example of why the whole idea is stupid. The people in power at organizations like SEMPO are not there because they have a burning desire to represent the interests of all their members. Instead, they are there because it helps them promote an agenda that improves only their bottom line.

Some valid points indeed and from a guy that has been in the business of SEO longer than most. Give the entire post a read. It will definitely be worth your while. You can also help spread the word by digging the post as well.

David Wallace

David Wallace, co-founder and CEO of SearchRank, is a recognized expert in the industry of search and social media marketing. Since 1997, David has been involved in developing successful search engine and social media marketing campaigns for large and small businesses.