I received an email this morning announcing new features in the KeywordDiscovery keyword research tool by Trellian. These additions include eBay Shopping Keywords , Data Quality & Skew, News Search and Market Share Analysis.

Following is their announcement.

eBay Shopping Keywords

KeywordDiscovery now enables users to identify searches performed at major ecommerce and shopping vendors such as eBay and Amazon. For the first time you can get a glimpse at how customers search for products on major shopping sites. Find out how they think about products, what search phrases they use and much more…

Seasonal Trend graphs help identify how shopping search is impacted by seasonal factors such as holidays or the Christmas shopping season.

This data is unique because it contains history of searches from people who are looking for specific products. These tend to be customers who ready to buy. The data can be used to:

– optimize eBay product listings based on what eBay users are searching for.
– identify popular product searches to identify new eBay opportunities.
– identify high conversion keywords for use in PPC campaigns.

Data Quality & Skew

Skew is a major problem that has traditionally faced all keyword suggestion services. Typically search statistics reported on popular queries are impacted by various automated agents such as search engine crawlers, rank and bid checkers. These inflate the true search numbers making it difficult to accurately estimate available traffic. KeywordDiscovery now solves the problem by providing a database of 600 million keyword searches based purely on user panel data. The new database is free from all skew caused by automated agents. KeywordDiscovery is currently the only keyword research service with this level of data quality.

News Search

A new KeywordDiscovery database focuses purely on keyword searches performed at major news search engines, publisher and news portals.For the first time, this new niche tool gives publishers the ability to optimize articles, rss feeds and other news content based purely on frequently used news searches.

It also provides the ability to identify current news trends. This will enable publishers to write articles tailored to current day topics of interest, based on search behavior.

Market Share Analysis

Different search engines tend to attract a different user demographic. As an example, Google may hold the largest market share, however Yahoo and MSN often perform better for certain search queries.

A new KeywordDiscovery feature enables advertisers to segment the search engine market for all popular search queries. For each and every one of these queries, KeywordDiscovery can now quantify the percentage of search volume that each major engine contributes to the overall total.

The new KeywordDiscovery will be officially launched on 8 August at the Search Engine Strategies conference in San Jose and we would like to invite you to trial our new features first hand at our booth.

I’ll just have to stop by their booth and check these features out as I am currently at SES San Jose. I already love KeywordDiscovery for in depth keyword research. These new features will only make the program better and better.

David Wallace

David Wallace, co-founder and CEO of SearchRank, is a recognized expert in the industry of search and social media marketing. Since 1997, David has been involved in developing successful search engine and social media marketing campaigns for large and small businesses.