I get request for links from link builders all the time, what I refer to as “link request spam.” The content of the email is typically the same because they are using some kind of form letter. Simply fill in the blanks to somewhat personalize it even though most often the sites requesting links have absolutely nothing to do with my site (except that they are both on the Internet).

It is a lazy way to build link popularity as opposed to building quality content that will attract links naturally or actually taking the effort to seek out quality links whether they are requested, purchased or both.

Today I get an email from a really lazy link request spammer. The email comes from a g-antssoft.com domain which as you may guess belongs to a company in India. Nothing against Indians but that is where most of these types of link requests originate from.

What’s the problem with this particular request? They forgot to “fill in the blanks” of the form letter. I thought is was amusing so have posted it below.


Windows cleaning supplies

Description: Attn: Webmaster
Name of the company whom we approach for link: ————-

I have just visited your website ——–(URL of the site whom we approach for link exchange) and

I would like to exchange links. I feel we have a common interest that would be worth sharing with visitors to our websites.

We have website with relevant theme. We wish you to post our link in your site and we will place a link to your site in our site.

A link to your site shall be placed in the link page of our site. We will be very glad to link your website, if you do the same.

We are mailing this directly with a hope that we can exchange link, as we believe your site visitors will find this of value and this would enable better placement of our sites in different Search engines.

Please paste our Link as follows:
Link Title: Windows cleaning supplies
Link Description: Servicing the Window Cleaning Supplies Industry for over 50 years. We have all your window cleaning supplies. Our Window Cleaning supplies include Squeegees, window cleaning speciality solutions, natural sea sponges and more.
URL :http://www.detroitsponge.com

After adding my link to your site, please email me the page URL where I may find my link. Thanks…

We look forward to hearing from you,

Best Regards,
Email : suresh.pandi@g-antssoft.com


Notice that I bolded the portions that they were supposed to put my company name and web site URL. If this is the way they handle all their link requests, then I’m afraid that Detroit Sponge & Chamois is not going to get too many links. At least personalize your spam for crying out loud! That way I can at least know you took the time to discover my web site and learn my company name before I delete your email.

David Wallace

David Wallace, co-founder and CEO of SearchRank, is a recognized expert in the industry of search and social media marketing. Since 1997, David has been involved in developing successful search engine and social media marketing campaigns for large and small businesses.