This is probably not a surprising headline for most of us who feel that Google is taking over the world. The Raw Story has the details on how Google has just surpassed IBM as the third largest technology company in the world worth a whopping $145 billion.

Compare that to IBM’s $139.5 billion valuation and you can see that they have a good lead on them and are now biting at the heels of Cisco and Microsoft who still holds the #1 spot.

Here is a list of well known companies that are compared in the article (figures in the billions).

  • ExxonMobil – $416
  • General Electric – $367
  • Microsoft – $279
  • Wal-Mart – $214
  • Cisco – $147.5
  • Google – $145
  • IBM – $139.5
  • Intel – $123
  • Hewlett-Packard – $109
  • DaimlerChrysler – $54
  • eBay – $ 45
  • Yahoo – $32
  • Amazon – $14
  • General Motors – $20
  • Ford – $15

What about the two founders of Google, Sergey Brin and Larry Page? They are estimated to have fortunes of around $14 billion each and are the youngest members of the Forbes list of the richest Americans, where they occupy places 12 and 13.

I typically don’t blog about industry stuff like but the phenomenal growth of Google, a search engine that started in 1998, had been just absolutely amazing to watch.

Add to that phenomena the fact that many of the other companies on the list above have been around for years and/or have a variety of revenue streams and here is Google whose vast majority of revenue is derived from advertising. It is nothing short of exhilarating to be part of this exciting time in history and watch them continue to grow into this mammoth entity.

David Wallace

David Wallace, co-founder and CEO of SearchRank, is a recognized expert in the industry of search and social media marketing. Since 1997, David has been involved in developing successful search engine and social media marketing campaigns for large and small businesses.