Google has released its own Custom Search Engine product which allows users to create their own search engines that reflects their knowledge and interests. What makes this offering different from others such as Rollyo, Eurekster and Yahoo Search Builder? AdSense! Not only can you create a custom engine that searches the URLs you add to it, you can earn money by running AdSense within the search results.

From Google’s overview page of the product, here is what you can do:

  • Place a search box and search results on your website.
  • Specify or prioritize the sites you want to include in searches.
  • Customize the look and feel to match your website.
  • Invite your community to contribute to the search engine.

I created my own search engine which took me all of about 2 minutes. I included our own site as well as some blogs of my fellow peers in the search marketing industry. Search query box is below.


Matt Cutts has reviewed Google Custom Search and likes it.

I do think that this launch will kick off a lot of opportunity that not everyone will see or understand at first. For example, the first person to make a truly kick-butt search engine about biking will likely start to attract volunteers and traction and first-mover attention, and could very well become the authority search for that niche. I think that this launch could kick off a wave of search over a long tail of niches; rather than a big vertical like “health,” someone could make a search for the much much smaller “health at every size” movement. Or juggling. Or insurance companies. Imagine your favorite niche, which could be as specific as a small-town or as broad as you want.

Barry Schwartz gives his take on it and even provides a quick tutorial on how to incorporate AdSense.

I clicked on the Make Money section, added my email address associated with my AdSense account, the zip code and the last 5 digits of my phone number.

Additional coverage, opinions and reviews can be found at the following sources:


David Wallace

David Wallace, co-founder and CEO of SearchRank, is a recognized expert in the industry of search and social media marketing. Since 1997, David has been involved in developing successful search engine and social media marketing campaigns for large and small businesses.