by David Wallace | Nov 19, 2008
In part three of a series on why companies are slow to embrace social media, budget or lack thereof comes into play. While large companies seem to have money to burn, the same is not true with most small to medium sized business which comprise the bulk of clients we deal with. Because budgets are limited, SMBs try to squeeze all they can out of every marketing dollar.
So when you begin to mention things like “social media marketing” and social media optimization” the wall of defense immediately goes up and most often along the lines of “we have no money.”
by David Wallace | Nov 18, 2008
In part two of a series on why companies are slow to embrace social media, I want to look at another common excuse I hear from existing clients. When questioned as to why they have yet to get involved in social media, they complain that there is no one within their company who can actually monitor any social media sites they get involved with.
by David Wallace | Nov 17, 2008
Traditional companies have been very slow to embrace the social media/networking phenomena. As I work with companies who are running existing search marketing campaigns, I hear a broad range of excuses why they have yet to jump on the social media/networking bandwagon. The first of many excuses is that companies fear they will not be able to control the social media environments should they get involved.
by David Wallace | Jul 8, 2008
I was recently asked the question, “How do you market your company on social news / bookmarking sites without appearing like a spammer?” This is a great question — one that has a pretty straightforward answer but which also requires a lot of work. Why? Because it is easy to sign up for a social bookmarking site and simply submit your own “stuff.” Submitting your own stuff does however not guarantee that your efforts will be successful. There is actually a lot more to it.
by David Wallace | Jun 17, 2008
Besides just hoping that Twitter runs consistently without experiencing outages all the time, there are a few things I would love to see the micro-blogging service add that would make the Twitter even more useful than it already is. Even though it is several months till Christmas, I give you my Twitter wish list.
by David Wallace | May 20, 2008
I love Twitter. I have become quite accustomed to having TwitterFox beeping out sounds of updated tweets (what us Twitter users call posts) as I click on its icon to see what they are. It has been great to keep up with what friends and colleagues are doing in their daily lives. Twitter has also been very useful in asking questions or learning about other people’s opinions. It has been a handy tool for online discussion. It has even made it quite easy to post links of interest or ask fellow Twitter users to vote up a social news submission on sites like Digg, Mixx and Sphinn.
by David Wallace | May 8, 2008
Submitting stories, blog posts and articles to social news sites can be very time-consuming but if done properly, can also have huge payoffs. Why then do so many people shoot themselves in the foot by not following proper etiquette? Is there such a thing as “social bookmarking etiquette?” Certainly there is! Here are a few things to keep in mind if you want to get the most out of your social bookmarking activities.
by David Wallace | Mar 27, 2008
I know that LinkedIn Company Profiles is in beta but seriously, they should have fine-tuned it a bit more before announcing it to the world. In a March 20th announcement, LinkedIn informed us that we would now be able to see over 160,000 company profiles in the same manner that you can see individual profiles. These include Fortune 500 companies such as eBay to philanthropic organizations such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
by David Wallace | Mar 12, 2008
Mashable reports that YouTube has answered the call of making sure you can see your favorite videos just about anywhere. The popular video site has announced they are launching several new APIs that will let you be even more interactive with their service from just about anywhere.
by David Wallace | Mar 4, 2008
For you Twitteraholics, I’d like to point out some gadgets that may help to simplify and enhance the experience of using Twitter. They range from browser plug-ins, desktop applications and even mash-ups that turn the Twitter experience into a three dimensional geographical event.
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