by David Wallace | Dec 21, 2011
Almost every time I ask a Facebook user who is not a marketer if they ever interact with Facebook ads, I get the same response – “Facebook has ads?” That is one of the beauties of Facebook advertising in that they do not appear to be ads at all but rather engaging content.
by David Wallace | Dec 5, 2011
I came across this great Infographic today that explains the possible scenarios that will cause content to go viral. Whatever makes a piece of content go viral is mysterious, but also follows certain patterns.
by David Wallace | Dec 2, 2011
Not surprising, social media is no longer a fad. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and other social media sites are part of everyday life for so many and a major reason why CEOs need to follow the trend. This Infographic reveals why CEOs who are not engaging social media need to catch up with the rest of us.
by David Wallace | Jul 29, 2011
While Infographics have become all the rage in recent years, they are in no wise a new concept. Infographics have been around in print for quite some time and now they have become a very popular online. Following is a simple guide on developing and promoting Infographics.
by David Wallace | Mar 3, 2011
This is a list of the most popular social media sites, all arranged by category. Besides the obvious factor that these sites allow you to get involved in their communities, they also allow you to create a unique profile which includes your own custom URL, a link(s) back to your site and information about you and/or your company.
by David Wallace | Nov 12, 2010
Following is a summary of what I presented at this year’s PubCon conference held in Las Vegas. The session deals with the following questions: “Does social media prevent the need for search?” or “Does social media play an important role in search?”
by David Wallace | Jul 24, 2009
Twitter has released “Twitter 101 for Business” which is in essence a guide for getting started with using the service. It covers the basics of Twitter, how to get started, the lingo, and includes many real case studies. The guide begins by pointing out that every day, millions of people use Twitter to create, discover and share ideas with others. It then points out that people are turning to Twitter as an effective way to reach out to businesses.
by David Wallace | May 7, 2009
When I read this morning that Twitter plans to index content in the near future, much like a search engine does, my head began to buzz with ideas on why businesses both large and small should take note of this. In fact, it is going to become increasingly important for business owners everywhere to make sure they not only have representation on Twitter but that they are deeply involved as well.
by David Wallace | Nov 26, 2008
Just a few short years ago, companies who had yet to launch web site were thought of as pre-historic or dinosaurs. The same in beginning to hold true for companies who have web sites but have yet to enter the world of blogging. The excuses are many, none of which are really valid. They essentially center around budget, lack of contributors and not feeling they have anything to say.
by David Wallace | Nov 24, 2008
In part four of a series on why companies are slow to embrace social media, corporate red tape and multiple layers of bureaucracy is often the culprit that literally ties the hands of marketers. I have seen this occur time and time again with regards to search marketing projects. It is no surprise then that it would occur equally as much if not more when social media marketing is brought up.
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