by David Wallace | Aug 29, 2006
I couldn’t believe the headline as I was going through my RSS feeds this morning, “Leaving Search Engine Watch” found at Danny Sullivan’s personal blog, Daggle. Not only will Danny be departing Search Engine Watch but most certainly Search Engine Strategies as well. After 10 plus years, Danny is leaving because Incisive Media (the company that owns SEW and SES) has failed to renegotiate an acceptable contract to keep Danny at the helm.
by David Wallace | Aug 16, 2006
Last week’s Search Engine Strategies conference in San Jose was the best yet. It is my third SES in San Jose and fourth total. I spoke on the Retaining Traffic After Moving Or Redesign session, a new one for this year that was very well attended. Along with me, Paul Bruemmer, Scott Orth and Navneet Virk presented while Jennifer Laycock moderated. Jennifer I have known for a few years now but it was the first time I have had the opportunity to meet the other three although I have seen Paul Bruemmer’s articles floating around throughout the years.
by David Wallace | May 16, 2006
In a special edition of The Daily SearchCast, Danny Sullivan finds himself at the Googleplex in Mountain View, California where he takes the opportunity to interview Matt Cutts, a chief software engineer at Google and also quite famous as a liaison between the search engine Google and webmasters looking to market their sites.
by David Wallace | Apr 18, 2006
There are few names that are as synonymous with search as Danny Sullivan’s. Yesterday marked the ten year anniversary since Danny started writing about search engines. In a recent entry at Search Engine Watch Blog, he provides a brief history of how he came about this career choice and also chronicles some of the more prominent events that have transpired over the last ten years.
by David Wallace | Jan 23, 2006
In case you missed it, Danny Sullivan of Search Engine Watch was recently featured on ABC’s Nightline in a story about Google’s refusal to hand over search data to the Bush administration. Danny got some great air time and of course did an excellent job giving his views on the situation.