by David Wallace | Jul 29, 2011
While Infographics have become all the rage in recent years, they are in no wise a new concept. Infographics have been around in print for quite some time and now they have become a very popular online. Following is a simple guide on developing and promoting Infographics.
by David Wallace | Sep 29, 2009
In a world where inbound links are often crucial in complimenting an on-page SEO effort, determining the value of those links can be equally important. This is especially true if you are making any kind of “investment” in those links whether that involve time, money or both. Following is a simple checklist of what to look for in a valuable inbound link.
by David Wallace | Sep 17, 2008
There is absolutely nothing wrong with earning a link from a blog post you decide to comment on. In fact, if you comment often on blogs, it is a good way to increase the amount of inbound links pointing to your site’s pages. However, there is a “right” way and a “wrong” way to go about accomplishing this.
by David Wallace | Jan 15, 2008
I could have also placed ‘people that live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones’ in the title of this post. The question is, ‘Are you a search marketer that reports paid links?’ Your answer should be either a definite yes, a definite no, or a sometimes, but for competing sites.
by David Wallace | Jan 3, 2008
Anyone who is into link building knows that Google has declared a war of sorts on paid links, looking to punish both those who buy and sell them. Vanessa Fox has put together an excellent review of the “paid links war” as it unfolded in 2007. With that review, she wanted to learn how the other three major search engines felt about paid links.
by David Wallace | Nov 23, 2007
While I did not expect much in the way of news here in the U.S. due to the Thanksgiving holiday, it appears that Google took the opportunity to update their web master guidelines regarding paid links. The changes essentially reveal that buying or selling links that pass PageRank can penalize a site not only in its Google Toolbar PageRank status, but also in Google search results. What does this mean for those that consider themselves “white hat SEOs?” Better go shopping for a new hat – a nice black one.
by David Wallace | Oct 24, 2007
It is all over the blogosphere – sites known for selling text link ads or Google PageRank have been slapped with a PageRank reduction for their own sites by the almighty Google itself. Is this a worldwide PR update with a possible algorithm change or is it more along the line of a hand job?
by David Wallace | Oct 22, 2007
Loren Baker has put together some guidelines in using blog reviews as an effective link building tactic. What I like best about Loren’s post is that he provides sound advice without revealing any specifics such as blogs that sell reviews or even companies that actually provide this as a service. With the war that Google has waged against paid links, it is comforting to see posts such as these that provide useful information without helping Google to identify those who are buying or selling the reviews.
by David Wallace | Oct 8, 2007
If Danny Sullivan’s report over the weekend that Google is in fact reducing the PageRank for sites that are suspected of selling paid links isn’t enough to send the entire paid links industry underground, then I don’t know what is. Add to this the storm of controversy that recently occurred over Rand Fishkin outing sites that sell paid links.
by David Wallace | Oct 4, 2007
We are having a discussion over at Small Business Ideas Forum where Dale King starts things of by questioning the effectiveness of reciprocal linking tactics. He basically says that once upon a time, reciprocal links were one of the number one ways webmasters acquired links from other sites. However, in current times, reciprocal links have been greatly devalued by the search engines, at least as far as helping a SEO effort. So are reciprocal links a thing of the past?